Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Netflix Review - 10 Reasons to Join Netflix

Being a Netflix member has many ups and a few downs, but what doesn't. In my opinion, its ups are way higher than its downs are low. To clarify, I love getting to watch more movies than I've ever had the ability to watch.

So what's the big deal? Why is Netflix so great? If you're thinking about joining, here are 10 great reasons to join.

1. Netflix Has So Many Movies

Have you ever walked through a video store for so long you just get frustrated. You want a good movie, but you just can't find one. Well, Netflix puts the movies you want at your fingertips. Just type in a title and search away.

2. Netflix is Easy to Use and Convenient

No more trips to the video store then... now the movies come to you. After you've found the movies you want, guess what you have to do? Nothing! The most you'll have to do is walk to your mailbox to get your movies out.

3. Netflix is Cheap

You'll be spending much less money for way more movies. If you rented the amount of movies you can get from Netflix at such a low price, you'd spend a fortune. This means you get to watch all the movies you want for a much lower price.

4. Netflix has a 14-Day Free Trial

Even if you're not so sure about joining, you can try it out for 2 weeks and at least see how it goes. If it's not for you, just cancel, but at least you'll get to see how the process works and how easy it is to get your movies.

5. Netflix Allows You to Download Movies to Your Computer

Even better, you can buy products that will allow movies to stream directly to your TV! This means absolutely no waiting. Granted, the selection is less (12,000 and growing) but Netflix is adding more and more titles. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the authority for online movie downloads in the near future.

6. Netflix Delivers Quickly

With 47 shipping centers in the US, you'll get your movie within 1 day usually. This is way faster than other similar services.

7. Netflix Does Not Edit Its Movies

Don't you hate when you've rented a movie and you're waiting for that one scene everyone has told you about and the movie ends and you never got to see that scene? You just watched the edited version of the movie! You won't have to deal with that frustration with Netflix. All of its DVDs are unedited.

8. Netflix is a Social Network

It's like MySpace for movies. You'll get to see what other people are watching, connect with like-minded movie lovers, make and receive suggestions and more. Basically, you get access to millions of other movie lovers!

9. Netflix Considers Your Children

Netflix will allow your children to log in and choose the movies they want. However, you, as their parent, can edit and block access to certain types of movies. This will prevent them from watching something inappropriate and allow them to watch the shows they want at the same time.

10. Netflix Does Not Charge Late Fees

No more worrying about getting your movie back on time. Netflix provides that one assurance that all movie renters want... you don't have to pay any late fee charges. Keep your movies as long as you want.

Netflix isn't perfect, but it's one of the best movie rental services out there today. If you've been considering joining, I hope this has helped you see how convenient and fun Netflix can be. So find out how effective Netflix can be... your movies could be in the mail and in your living room by tomorrow!

The only way you'll know for sure how good a service Netflix really is, is to find out from the people who use it. If you want an unbiased Netflix Review based on customer feedback, visit the below link:

-->Unbiased Netflix Review

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Netflix Tips - Getting the Most Out of Your Netflix Subscription

Netflix was established in 1997, and they offer the ability to rent DVDs online via the Internet. I initially joined Netflix in 1999. I was not satisfied with the service and canceled my membership three months later. Fast forward to 2005, and the buzz in my workplace is about Netflix. My co-workers tell me service is great and they love it, and I tell them I hated it. I waited about ten days for my first DVD, and I never received any other DVDs. I was a member for three months. I forgot I was a member because I never received any DVDs. My co-workers tell me differently and I decided to try Netflix again. After three years I am still with Netflix, and I have convinced countless co-workers to join, and now I am going to share a few of my Netflix Tips with you.

Distribution Center - Having a distribution center near your home or mailing address will determine how quickly you receive your DVDs. I live in Honolulu, Hawaii, and the Distribution Center for Hawaii uses a Honolulu PO Box. If I put my DVD in the mail on Monday, Netflix will receive the DVD on Tuesday and send out a new DVD that same day. This means I would receive my next DVD on Wednesday. That's pretty quick if you ask me. IMPORTANT: Please pay close attention to the mailing address on the Netflix return envelope. Every once in a while a DVD may take a while for delivery (I find this true with a lot of the older movies). Check the return address! If it is not from your local distribution center, this is why delivery was delayed. Do NOT send your DVD back in that envelope. Only use envelopes that have your local distribution center address. I normally put 2 DVDs in one envelope so that I have an extra envelope with my local distribution center address to use at a later time. You only need a few extra envelopes because Netflix will always send you a return envelope.

Choose the Right Plan - I switch plans all the time, if you choose the wrong plan, you can easily switch it online. I am currently enrolled in the 3 at-a-time plan. How many DVDs can you watch in one month? If you average $2 per DVD rental, which plan would be the best deal? Let's say you can watch 8 DVDs in a month. That's about $16 using my $2 DVD rental average. The 3 at-a-time plan is $16.99 and the 2 at-a-time plan is $13.99. In this case, the 2 at-a-time plan is a better deal because you got $16 worth of DVD rentals for only $13.99. I would never choose the 1 at-a-time (Unlimited) for $8.99 or the 1 at-a-time (2 a month) for $4.99 because if you use my $2 average, Netflix is getting the better deal.

Getting New Releases - People always complain to me that they never can get New Releases from Netflix, yet I always get New Releases. You'll have to test this one for yourself, but if you're in Honolulu, and put your DVDs in the mail on Friday (Saturday and Sunday also work, but Friday works best for me). Netflix will receive your DVDs on Monday. New movies are normally released on Tuesday, but Netflix already has the DVDs ready for shipment on Monday. Netflix will send out the New Releases on Monday, and I will get them in the mail on Tuesday. When I first started using Netflix I rarely ever got any New Releases until I figured this out. I simply returned one DVD on Wednesday, one on Thursday, and one on Friday and waited to see what movie on my queue was sent as Netflix received each DVD. As long as the New Release was at the top of my queue, I would normally get the New Release delivered on Tuesday. If I missed the first shipment of a New Release, chances are I would not get the New Release for a while. I can cut down the waiting time if I miss the first shipment, by having one open delivery position, and not having anything on my queue except for the New Release. This cuts down on the amount of DVDs I rent in a month, but if I missed the first shipment of New Releases, this almost ensures that I will get the New Release on the next shipment. You could just have New Releases on your queue, but then you wouldn't get your moneys worth.

"Throttling" or "Smoothing" - Netflix denies that they "throttle" accounts, but I personally experienced throttling. Throttling or smoothing is Netflix giving priority to people who rent less DVDs. I was on the 3 at-a-time plan and I rented a total of 24 DVDs per month. This went on for about three months and then I started receiving movies from other distribution centers on a weekly basis. Because the DVD came from another distribution center, delivery time was more than doubled. In a few instances my DVDs took 3-5 days to be delivered. Netflix even sent me the same broken DVD twice. I decided to look for answers online and found a Netflix forum. Forum members talked about "throttling", and I wondered if this was the case for me. I started to watch less DVDs (12 a month) and my delivery schedule went back to normal. I do not think this was a coincidence.

Netflix wants to make a profit, but they don't make a profit off of someone who rents DVDs frequently. If the amount of DVDs you rent, calculated at $2 per DVD is greater than what your monthly rate is, Netflix doesn't make as much money; therefore, Netflix gives priority to those who rent less. If there is a limited quantity for a particular movie, this means the infrequent renter will get a higher priority and the frequent renter may not get the movie, or the movie will come from another distribution center which will cause a delay in shipping. This is a little sneaky, but if Netflix didn't do this, new customers wouldn't be able to get the DVDs they requested, and Netflix would most likely lose that person as a customer, and then no more Netflix.

Broken, Lost, Scratched, not Playable DVDs - Over the years I have received less than 6 broken DVDs. The majority of the broken DVDs I received were during the time when I was renting 24 DVDs a month. It has been a while since I received a broken DVD. I have received only two DVDs that were not Playable in either my home DVD player or my PC. I received only one DVD that was scratched badly enough that it would not play in my PC or my DVD player. I have personally lost only one DVD over the last three years. When sending your DVD back in the prepaid envelope, make sure there are no sticky surfaces on the outside of the envelope. I remember putting two envelopes in the mail because one was sticking to the other. Netflix only received one of the envelopes. Netflix is very good about broken, lost, scratched, or not playable DVDs. I have never been charged for any of these items.

Netflix provides a great service, and Netflix also allows you to watch some movies instantly on your PC. Your computer will need to meet the minimum system requirements, you will also need a fast Internet Connection, and only older movies have this feature. The quality is not that great using this method, but most older movies are not of good quality to begin with. I think this feature is great and it's already included in your monthly fee. The competitor site didn't have several older movies that I wanted to watch, and the ability to go to a local store didn't appeal to me as that is the exact reason why I selected Netflix, I didn't want to get in my car and drive, and with gas prices going up, having DVDs delivered to my home is much more convenient. I hope these tips were useful.

You can find a list of Netflix Distribution Centers online by doing a google search for "Netflix Distribution Centers".

Delivery times for each distribution center will vary. The delivery times specified in this article are specific to my location and my personal address.

Peter Rabasa - Honolulu, Hawaii

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